28 Nov

QuickBooks' decision to remove support for certain currencies reflects a strategic move to streamline and enhance user experience. By narrowing the focus to widely-used currencies, QuickBooks aims to simplify financial processes, reduce complexity, and improve overall system efficiency. This adjustment ensures smoother transactions, minimizes potential errors, and aligns with the needs of the majority of its global user base. While this change may pose challenges for businesses dealing with less common currencies, it underscores QuickBooks' commitment to optimizing its platform for the broader user community, promoting a more intuitive and user-friendly accounting solution.

Removing a Currency

If you need to remove a multi-currency from QuickBooks, follow these steps:

  • Open Currency List:

    • Click on "Lists" in the top menu.
    • Choose "Currency List."
  • Select the Currency:

    • Locate the currency you want to remove.
  • Make Currency Inactive:

    • Right-click on the currency and choose "Make Currency Inactive."
    • Confirm the action when prompted.
  • Remove Transactions:

    • Similar to removing a bank account, check and remove any transactions associated with the currency.
  • Delete the Currency:

    • Go back to the Currency List.
    • Right-click on the currency and select "Delete Currency."
    • Confirm the deletion.

Important Considerations:

  • Backup Data: Before making significant changes like removing bank accounts or currencies, it's crucial to create a backup of QuickBooks data file. This ensures you can revert to the previous state if needed.
  • Keep Historical Data: If removing a bank account, consider keeping a record of historical data, especially for compliance and auditing purposes.


Removing bank accounts and currencies in QuickBooks is a straightforward process, but it requires careful consideration to avoid unintended consequences. By following the outlined steps and consulting with professionals when needed, you can efficiently manage your financial data and keep your QuickBooks file organized according to your business needs.


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